IEEE R7 Sections Congress First-Round Recommendations -- Details Screen

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Recommendation # 40

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Section Liaison
Murray MacDonald


Public Awareness

It is recommended that the IEEE develop a strategy to engage its members to address climate change related adaptation (and mitigation). The strategy would consider the formation of partnerships with businesses, industry, and other organizations to realize the implementation of technical solutions by IEEE members for the benefit of humanity.

Comments on Recommendation
Member engagement is often focused on the growth and opportunities of the individual member. This recommendation is focused on broadening the engagement of the IEEE member from individual growth to addressing the wider agenda of some of the IEEE members and -- at the same time -- the foremost (policy) issues of the 21st century: adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, mitigation of some of the possible effects of increased GHG emissions, and related challenges.

Response from IEEE Canada President (where warranted)

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