IEEE R7 Sections Congress First-Round Recommendations -- Details Screen

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Recommendation # 47

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Section Liaison
Murray MacDonald


Recruitment/ Retention (Membership)

Implement and recognize a new member category -- the retired IEEE member. (another name such as "Retired Professional" may be more appealing)

Comments on Recommendation
Currently, IEEE is honoring Life Members recognizing members who have a long engagement with IEEE and having reached 100 being the combined number of IEEE member years and age.
The retired IEEE member who has not achieved Life member status is recognized solely in terms of the offer of discounted membership and discounted conference fees.
This recommendation is aimed at engaging the retired IEEE member in addition to those who have achieved Life member status (and may not have retired yet). Currently the retired member is "sort of left out" in the suite of IEEE membership recognition categories, implying a slight undervaluing of the retired member as opposed to the Life Members/Life Senior Members/Life Fellows who even have their own Affinity Group, funding etc.
It is proposed that the IEEE recognize the "retired IEEE member" status separately as a means to value and engage these IEEE members: The retired IEEE members form a formidable pool of potential IEEE volunteers; a superb resource for access to industry, a tremendous resource of mentors to our students and young professionals; a great speaker resource; a wonderful group of contributors to IEEE foundations etc.
Such recognition and engagement expected to increase retention in the retiree segment

Response from IEEE Canada President (where warranted)
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